My Story

An NQT for Children with SEN, A home-school beauty  freak  - I'm a total geek, but that's the least of my worries.

Conductive Education - My Next Challenge. Reasons? An interesting mix.

A smile on my face - working with special children. My Passion. Why? Inspirational. Characters. Teachers in their own right. The sun in the sky.

M.E., a temporarily paralysed leg - I define them, they do not define me. I'm lucky. It could be worse.

BabbleBabbleBabble..I give too much information, and useless shadazzle. Get used to it.

I hope, I practice random acts of kindness, and senseless acts of beauty. Fingerscrossed.

The nephew, the squidworth, the squishy face of glory - My world.

Life Lesson: Smile - It's infectious.