Saturday 1 December 2012

#Thankful Day One..Xx


Today I am Thankful for....
Cold Coffee - This stuff is INCREDIBLE ..It literally gets me through anything including piles of Uni work that needs to be sorted before the Christmas Holiday..Egh. Motivation in a bottle!
(Excuse the dirty dusty mirror..It is well loved! #NotaHighFiveMoment)
The most AMAZING invention EVER. I treated myself to an early Christmas pressie this week, because I spent the week poorly [Insert 'Awws'] hehe, and I have to say I have spent the rest of the week absolutely in awe of my new electric blanket. See...I have the issue of having vents in my room (due to cowbody builders) which means my room is really cold - So I am enjoying my new found toasty-ness ..LOVE <3
And finally...
The start of Advent!
Not only is this important in the church because it leads back to the first coming of Christ at Bethlehem, and it looks to the future when Christ will come again...but it leads to the time when I get to head back home to my family who I haven't seen for a long time due to living away at Uni. I got a taster of that tonight when I skyped my GORGEOUS nephew - although he couldn't quite understand that I couldn't see the WHOLE room and kept going on a wander, it was amazing to see his beautiful little face again! ...I also got made dinner...which consisted of an oven-cooked mobile phone, a virtual backrub, kiss and cuddle - although it was very fair to say he was more interested in my teddy bear.
Thanks Taz.
(Ps. It also means I get a cheeky little holiday from uni ;) - Woop!)
"Be thankful for what you have and you will end up having more."
                                                                                 - Oprah Winfrey

1 comment:

  1. I've remembered something else I'm thankful for today! The fact I've found my friend the perfect Christmas present, when I was a bit unsure what to get her. Love the sound of the electric blanket, I could do with one of those! x
